Tuesday, 26 December 2006

Seventy per cent of Australians would drink recycled sewage

No surprise to anyone, Aussies are quite happy to eat shit.

According to The Australian, which ran a poll:
AN overwhelming majority of Australians would be prepared to drink recycled sewage to help ease a national crisis in urban water supplies that has forced escalating restrictions on water use.

.. Treated effluent is used overseas and has been proposed by water experts as a way to end uncertainty about Australia's water supply amid the drought and difficulty in finding appropriate locations for new dams. ...

Prime Minister John Howard, the National Water Commission, city utilities and scientists all agree Australian towns and cities must consider using recycled waste water to top up dwindling supplies.

Cartoon: Nicholson of "The Australian" newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au

Story Source: Seventy per cent would drink recycled sewage

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