Monday, 9 January 2006

Japs kill more whales for eating; ram Greenpeace boats

From the News Limited network:

With menacing actions and words, Japan yesterday defied world anger over its whale killing.

A Jap harpooner allegedly rammed Greenpeace activists in the Antarctic, and the country's whaling industry lashed out at opposition to its bloody trade.

In a rare public statement, Japan Whaling Association president Keiichi Nakajima declared that killing the giant mammals was the only effective way to study them.

Mr Nakajima also called on countries like Australia to tolerate the culls out of respect for 'cultural diversity'.

'There are enough whales for both those who want to eat them and those who want to watch them,' he said.

Mr Nakajima said Australia's problem with eating whale meat sprang from a difference between Eastern and Western thinking. "

"Japan defies world anger with more killings"
By Josh Massoud January 09, 2006


Esperanza said...

It was actually their factory ship with rammed ours, which sucked (for us) since it is gigantic (something close to 8,000 tons) compared to the Arctic Sunrise (our ship).

Updates can be found on our crew weblog...

...but there might be some confusion because earlier in out expedition one of their hunter ships (the ones with harpoon guns) did very deliberately steer into the Esperanza (the ship I'm on). That was dangerous enough, but I suspect not intended to cause damage - unlike the recent ramming. Details about the earlier incident can be found at...

-- Andrew (on board the Greenpeace ship Esperanza)

Supes said...

Whales are the foxes of the sea, they are pests. COmmercial shipping has all sort of problems with them.

I say the Japs and whoever else wants to eat them should go right ahead, eliminate these pests to free trade.

Speaking of pests the Japanese navy should exterminate greenpeace, im sure the French would help out!